#art #poetry #deepthoughts #life #darkish

Sunday, December 27, 2015


First of all, let's get one thing straight: SANTA LIVES IN FINLAND, not in the North Pole.

This was probably the last Christmas I'm spending here in my childhood home. But it was a good Christmas, and I have never been a massive Christmas-fan. I like Christmas, but it's not that big a deal to me. I don't mind spending a Christmas or few in a small student apartment. However, here's few photos of the past December:

Made these all by myself.

If you watch Supernatural, you know who this is.

The best present is the one on the white carpet. Although I
had it seven years ago.

It was a black Christmas this year, no snow.
But earlier this December there was quite a lot snow,
 just enough for me to capture this nice black party
look with a white background.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Random thoughts

First of all, there is one thing in English language that has annoyed me as long as I have spoken English. In Finnish, you can say "paha" or "huono", whereas in English there's just "bad". I don't know how to explain this, but if you know Finnish and English, you most likely know what I mean. "Paha" and "huono" are two totally different things.

Christmas presents. I suck at buying presents, and that's why I don't like giving them. It sucks, because I know people who deserve something amazing, but I just can't come up with anything. At least anything I could afford...

Another thing about Christmas presents: this year, I bought all my presents by myself, and today I wrapped them up. Works for me, now I'll have everything I need.

I was writing my personal statement for the school in Paris that I'm applying to. They asked in the application why I wanted to study in The American University of Paris. By chance, I was wearing a shirt that said "Because Paris is always a good idea." Now that's a perfectly valid answer to the question, isn't it?

It's finally Christmas holiday!

I'm bored, even though I have hundreds of things planned for the holiday.

And finally, I'm moving abroad after next summer. I just got offers from three Universities, two of them are in London and one is in Cambridge (not the Cambridge University, just in the same town...). I haven't sent the application to Paris yet, but if I'll get in Paris, I'll go there. If I won't, I'll be going to England. Yay!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Animal rights and stupid people

I just overheard the most disturbing conversation. I was sitting in my school's cafeteria, and near me few girls talked about industrial farms. One of them actually said that those animals are HAPPY in those cramped facilities. She said it's NORMAL life for them. Because they have friends there and they don't understand anything. Are you fucking kidding me? I think they understand that they don't have enough space to breathe!! If I knew that girl's name, I'd tag it everywhere with this description of her opinions. Pardon my language, but burn in hell fucking bitch.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I'll rest when I'm dead

This is the conclusion I came to today. I was lying on a couch, trying to think when is the next time I don't need to worry about anything. The answer: My funeral. Right now, there's school. During Christmas holiday, there's applying to a University. After the holiday, there's more school, studying for the final exams in particular. After that, there's organizing my graduation party and possibly moving to a foreign country. Then there's more studying. When studying ends, there's work. Getting a job, doing well in that job. If I get into my dream profession, writer and/or film director, the stress will never end. I will always have to come up with something new.
I have also made another conclusion about stress: sometimes it doesn't matter. Sometimes it's worth it. I know I will most certainly be a workaholic. I am already, in a way. Studying isn't my favorite way of spending time, but I'm anxious to get everything done long before the deadlines. Just so I could start new projects earlier. And then again new projects. It's driving me towards a perfect burnout, but it doesn't seem to matter to me. And honestly speaking, being a film director OR a writer would never make me happy. I need to be both. My time will never be sufficient. But that hurry and stress would be worth it.

Despite all these deep thoughts about all the hurry and stress being worth it, right now the thing that would make me happy is going to bed and sleeping for at least a week.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Gingerbread house

I'll never get too old for gingerbread houses. I've done one every Christmas as long as I remember. When I was younger, I did it always with my sister, but now she has moved out so I did it alone. It turned out to be quite pretty, on my opinion. I don't know about other countries, but here in Finland, gingerbread houses are a big deal.

These little snowball-creatures are Christmas bogeys. Harmless.
Childish maybe, I don't care :D

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää!

Tänään aion syödä niin paljon suklaata että koko syksyn treeni menee hukkaan ja katsoa linnanjuhlat arvostellakseni vieraiden pukeutumista.

Vaikka haen ulkomaille opiskeleen, enkä aio enää palata asumaan Suomeen, on Suomi silti aina se ihan oikee koti. Oon onnellinen että oon syntyny tänne kylmään ja pimeeseen pieneen maahan ja että mun äidinkieli on sellanen mitä ei missään muualla puhuta. Vaikka tuntuu että politiikka ja talous yms menee täälä välillä päin helvettiä, on Suomi ainakin mulle maailman paras maa. Missään muualla tuskin voi olla yhtä sisäänpäin kääntynyt silloin kun huvittaa (minä kun en mikään yltiösosiaalinen ole), eikä missään muualla ole salmiakkia, karjalanpiirakoita eikä Fazerin suklaata. Jouluna on täysin samanlainen sää kuin Juhannuksena, mutta ei se mitään koska toppatakit on keksitty. Talvella on pimeetä vuorokauden ympäri, mutta eihän kynttilät näytä miltään auringonpaisteessa. Kesällä on sitte valoisaa talvenkin edestä. Järjestykseen voi sanat mihin tahansa laittaa, ja silti kaikki ymmärtää. Meillä on enemmän aakkosia kuin useilla kielillä, ja aakkoslaulu kuulostaa tyhmältä kun se loppuu Z:aan. Meillä on jopa sellanen kirosana, jota ei muilla ole, perkele.

Paljon olis vielä sanottavaa, mutta kyllähän te tiedätte mitä kaikkee hienoo Suomessa on, kun olette suomalaisia. Ette te tätä varmaan muuten lukisi.

Onnea Suomi 98 vuotta!

Tein ihan ite joskus ala-asteella :D

It's Independence day today in Finland.