I have figured out a way to make school projects a little less horrible. Or well, actually it's the most mainstream method there is: choose an interesting topic. Teachers have kept saying that throughout my entire education, and I have never believed them. I never thought I could actually find an interesting topic for a school project. However, I have managed to turn even the most horrible essays into something rather fun. As fun as an essay can be...
My EE (extended essay=4000 words) topic was music therapy and schizophrenia. I love music, and I guess I like mental disorders as well, on a theoretical level. It was quite a gloomy topic, but it kept me motivated. The conclusion of my essay was that music therapy can help schizophrenics to recover. Music is the remedy for everything.
The biology project I'm working on right now was the project I thought would kill me. Biology is the subject I like the least, but somehow I managed to come up with something biological that even I could be interested in: pollution. The effects of pollution on the occurrence of lichen. Better yet, I made the observations in cemeteries. I observed how much there is lichen on gravestones near or far from the traffic.
My Spanish written assignment was about the tomato festival, La Tomatina. They just throw tomatoes at each other in Valencia. For no reason at all. Waste of good food, but how cool would that be?
English written task: how media lies about the treatment of industrial animals. This topic was more infuriating than interesting because not much new info occurred to me while doing it... People prefer to believe the positive news. Negative ones are ignored, because people just want their burgers.
The topic of my math project was quite boring, I could've come up with something more creative, but I wasn't too motivated. I studied the effects of sleeping and drinking coffee on school grades. Sleeping helps you to get better grades. Obviously. Drinking coffee didn't seem to have such a big effect, but I firmly believe coffee is one of the most important keys to maintaining some kind of mental health in the middle of all these essays.
As a conclusion, I have proven that I am now able to write a full length essay of a mental disorder, deceitful media, sleeping and coffee, lichen on gravestones, or tomatoes. This is exactly the skill I will need in my life. What would I do if I wasn't able to write about a tomato war?
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