#art #poetry #deepthoughts #life #darkish

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Large Scale Problems

It is the first day of spring, and it's -3 celsius according to my phone. There's also lots of snow which will melt approximately by the first of June. That's okay.

Do you know the feeling when you combine two things, one that you love and one that you hate, and the result is a frustrating discrepancy? It happens when someone you admire greatly does something you loath greatly. It happens when your biggest idol wears fur. I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I hate hate hate people who wear fur. I love love love Adam Lambert. Now he has a fur coat and I want to roll on the floor and scream "WHY?" But the annoying thing is, big stars probably don't care much if they lose one fan. And that music has been my most important lifesaver. It's not like I wanted everyone to have the same beliefs and values that I have, but fur is the one and only thing that I've been absolute about. I want to let myself quietly forget this, but it makes me feel like a hypocrite. On the other hand, I know I have no choice but to ignore that photo on Instagram, because otherwise I would probably go crazy.
Large scale problems.

Talking about celebrities, I'm super happy Leonardo DiCaprio finally won an Oscar. Yay! And talking about the Oscars, if you want to watch the gala live in Finland, you need to be awake from 2am to 7am. Lucky I'm a night person.

I just came from the store and I did not buy dark chocolate even though I intended to do so. Damn.

I applied for several summer jobs, but I have a feeling that my applications weren't too impressive. On the other hand, it would be divine to have absolutely no duties at all for over three and half months. But then again, it would be nice to have money and be able to buy stuff. And since I've never had any kind of job before, it would be useful to have some job experience or I'll never get a real job. The problem is, by the time you're 19 years old, you're expected to have some job experience. And I don't. Goodbye, summer jobs...

A nice photo after this text would be cool. I didn't manage to find one since I haven't done much photographing lately. So no photo.

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